UP THE TRACK - my first story "Written 28/8/2005"

This is my own adventure, as written on the 28/8/2005 , at that time I had just had surgery for removal of a skin cancer.

The pain in my back and right leg was increasing each step I took up the track. I was determined not to give in, but to reach my objective before turning back!

Eventually the peace and serenity of the area reached through to me, allowing my senses to take in the beauty of the area through which I was passing on this peaceful Sunday morning.

The perfume from the variety of Acacia bushes I brushed past along the way, the sound of a frog croaking in the nearby river and further up river the morning territorial call from Kookaburra's which I was pleased to hear again after a brief absence.

Looking out over the green paddocks of Oats struggling to grow due to a lack of rain, to the cattle eating hay recently distributed that morning and beyond to the distant hills, was for me familiar and a reward for my efforts on reaching the highest point of the track.

I paused awhile absorbing the scene before me, with sulphur crested Cockatoo's screeching noisily as they flew overhead and landed in the adjacent paddock. The chatter from Galah's and tuneful song of the Willy wagtails as they accompanied me on my walk.The comforting presence of my favourite, the Blue Wren that frequent the bush in this area.

I could see the paw prints before me in the sand left by a family of grey Kangaroo's.
I turned and retraced my steps downhill, realising as I slowly moved along how my back pain had eased as I communed with nature and all of God's creatures that lived along the way.

I paused again as I became aware of an unfamiliar small bird, high up in the over-head branches of a Gum tree. The call it made soft and melodious!

The sun rising higher, threw shadows across the track from the many trees and bushes, highlighting the golden wattle our Australian floral emblem.

How privileged and blessed I felt as I returned to the farmhouse for refreshments. I thanked God for his companionship on this wonderful morning on my walk up the track.


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