Reclining side by side on a blanket
of crisp golden autumn leaves
beneath a large shady tree
a picnic lunch was shared by friends!

In front of Ali and Pete,
a creek bed
one could imagine
once filled with pure clear crystal water
gurgling over stones as it flowed by.
Now stands empty and choked
with weeds and trunks of fallen trees.

Nearby were the ruins of a home
the walls and chimney still standing
tall and open to the sky
Many hikers may pause to wonder
and speculate about the life the pioneers
once led, before they passed on by!

Once a beautiful garden of Camellias
and Roses flourished and a Holly tree
standing by the side of the track
now grows wild and free!

The wind whistled through the trees
and leaves fluttered to the ground
with a gentle sigh!
Birds called from overhead as they flew by
and Butterfly's fluttered amongst
wild potato bushes, Lillie's and ferns.

The ghosts of the womenfolk had returned
Moving through the garden they looked
elegant in long flowing gowns
their men busy clearing land for planting
long oats held by braces
straw hats shading faces!

With regret we rose to continue on our
journey across the creek and over
stepping stones, back into the
twenty-first century
Our brief visit back into the past
will not be forgotten, it will
linger on in our hearts forever.

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