Tears and Rose Buds

I should give thanks to Our Heavenly Father for as he is always drying my tears lately and he is so patient with me because I am always asking him WHY? I often find myself saying I don't know what to do Lord. I give up! From me, My Lord needs a humongous bunch of Rose Buds!


Not my choice, but thine O Lord
an opportunity to grow in knowledge, love and
obedience to your call

I will follow you each and every day
as you lead the way
Many times I will stumble and fall
in the darkness, but you are always near
with the light in your hands to lead the way
from the darkness to Everlasting Light
as I drink in knowledge from your Word.

Like a thirsty desert flower opening
to reveal it's delicate beauty and receive
the life-giving rain
I too will drink and grow and paint and sing
in company with my Lord.

Written - 30 January 2007

Hidden from view amongst the greenery of a nearby shrub and reaching high - searching for the warmth of the sun from overhead in the summer sky. It's stem grown to a great length as it pushes it's way upward.

Suddenly I spy as I pass by a touch of Lipstick Pink'
Oh! I exclaim in delight - how beautiful,.
A perfect specimen- A Rose!
Moving closer to inspect I am confronted with a sweet Heavenly scent and I gaze at layer upon layer of soft pink petals, the ends curled under, supporting central petals that form a deep cup which holds within a splash of Gold, where a Bee is busy gathering Nectar.

All this beauty - once hidden from view reveals to the onlooker another wonder of creation.

This ROSE created by Almighty God and placed on this earth for all to nurture, enjoy and share with other's.

I like the Rose, must move forward, reaching out toward lost souls surrounded by thorns, crying out to be rescued.

They are there waiting, hidden for a time for us to find and share the Good News of Our Saviour and Friend who awaits their acceptance of His Love and saving grace with arms held wide to welcome each new child.

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